still hungry
RAVEN explores the meaning of „Rabenmütter“, a German term, which has been synonymous with bad motherhood for centuries. Consciously using this term for reinterpretation, STILL HUNGRY makes displeasure visible and reveals the uncomfortable dark sides of their own motherhood to encourage people to break with conventions and talk about contradictions.

Uraufführung 21.+22.9.23 Tollhaus Karlsruhe
A story about forgetting, the idiosyncrasies and pitfalls of the human brain. A tender, tragic-comic piece about the detachment of the mind and the moving on of the liberating thoughts. The production How to island by the artist Romy Seibt is supported by the Performing Arts Fund, as well as by residencies of the Chamäleon Theater, the Pfefferberg Theater, Hellerau - European Center for the Arts in Dresden and Schloß Bröllin.
Duration: 50 min
Director: Sabine Rieck
Performance: Romy Seibt
Zeichner*innen: Fil - Philip Taegert,
Dominik Mader, Miria Haseney
Bühne: Daniel&Henriette Porsdorf,
Monika Martynow Smikalla
Foto-Artwork: Andrey Kezzyn

Photo: Katja Stempel
Romy Seibt graduated from the school of performing arts "die Etage" in Berlin, specialized on partner trapeze and vertical rope. Since than she worked all over the world in many different productions, such as Festival Japan, Daidogei World Cup, Cirque du Demain Paris, GOP, Chamäleon Theater, Urbanatix, Rockcircus Switzerland.
Besides working on vertical rope, she does silks and developed a unique technique in Meteor/ juggling rope. Her physical and theatrical art is powerful and beautifully designed. She is co-founder, author and performer of still hungry, a contemporary circus collective from Berlin. Together with Lena Ries and Anke van Engelshoven she created RAVEN, a piece far from classical circus. Their work is fresh, feministic and powerful. Strong images and a good sense of humour makes their work truthfully touching and highly amusing.
Romy Seibt is a specialist on the vertical rope, as well as meteor juggling and a themebased performance artist. She is creating many different artworks in the field of physical theater and she created a few performing arts short films
She is an outstanding talent from Berlin and sets international high standards with her emotional choreographies and self developed skills in her difficult disciplines. Her dance-acrobatical body language is much more than pure acrobatics- she is connecting technical finesse with ease and fascinating expression in an artistical way.
She loves to be inspired by nature and outdoor surroundings and in her free time she loves cliffdiving.